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Bush Runner: the Adventures of Pierre-Esprit Radisson

Aug 6, 2019, 14:08 PM by Shari Singh
Murderer. Salesman. Pirate. Adventurer. Cannibal. Explore the adventures of Pierre-Esprit Radisson, co-founder of the Hudson's Bay Company.
Bush Runner by Mark Bourrie
Paperback (320 pages)  •  9781771962377  •  Biblioasis  •  $24.99  •  Published April 2, 2019

Who wouldn't enjoy what Ken McGoogan of The Globe and Mail called “A dark adventure story that sweeps the reader through a world filled with surprises”?
​In The Winnipeg Free Press, Michael Dudley called Bush Runner “Highly entertaining engaging achievement.” The book has also been reviewed by Washington Times, Canadian Geographic, and ARTSFILE, and with his recent appearance on national television via Global News and the forthcoming hour long documentary on CBC's Ideas, scheduled for June 7th, awareness of Bush Runner has never been higher.

Many people know Pierre-Esprit Radisson as the co-founder of the Hudson's Bay Company, but few know of his adventurous life: a guest among First Nations communities, French fur traders, and royal courts; witness to London's Great Plague and Great Fire; and unwitting agent of the Jesuits corporate espionage, Radisson double-crossed the English, French, Dutch, and his adoptive Mohawk family alike, found himself marooned by pirates in Spain, and lived through shipwreck on the reefs of Venezuela.

Edmund's Salt Mines

3 posts

Last post : 07/08/2019