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Whitehots FAQ

Frequently asked questions from our library customers

Where did the name Whitehots come from?

The name Whitehots is steeped in over 30 years’ worth of tradition. The Whitehots company began with Mr. White’s bookstore, in Oakville, Ontario. The owner of the bookstore had a talent for forecasting & curating the upcoming years’ bestsellers—he would then provide these lists to his biggest clients—the local libraries. Due to the widespread adoption these began to be called “white’s hot lists", a name that we know and love today. Today we continue to fill the demand for professionally curated lists to assist libraries with expanding their collection & readership.

How do you know a book will be a bestseller?

We have a talented and dedicated team, who works directly with local and international publishers using trends and internal benchmarks to predict each year’s bestsellers. Once we have determined the next seasons bestsellers, we take it one step farther and introduce our Hotlists for a variety of bestseller options across multiple genres.

How many publishers do you deal with?

We are proud to have established strong relationships with our largest suppliers, but also strive to work hand in hand with publishers of all sizes. We are proud to offer products from over 4000 publishers, worldwide. We also have a submission platform for engaging directly with self-published authors.

Do you do business outside of Canada?

While we do maintain important connections outside of Canada for publishing needs & special request orders, we are specifically a Canadian supplier and we are proud to dedicate our efforts on providing Canadian libraries with the best content, service and options available.

How do you promote Canadian publications?

We are proud to work hand in hand with many Canadian publishers and authors. We also have a streamlined process to work with self-published Canadian authors. We have a self-published on-line process to help these authors access Canadian libraries from coast to coast.

How many books do you catalogue and process?

We provide Cataloguing and Processing options for approximately 50% of the products that we ship. We strive to provide customized C&P options that align with each library’s individual needs.

How big is your staff?

Whitehots maintains a full-time staffing of approximately 50 employees, with the number of total staff climbing closer to 60 through our busy seasons.

Still have questions?

Contact our team, we'd be happy to answer your inquiries or set-up a web demo.

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